Our Web of Inconvenient Truths – January, 2019 Newsletter from Katie Singer

Our Web of Inconvenient Truths

January, 2019 Newsletter from Katie Singer

The Real Truth About Health
Free 10-Day Conference
at the Hilton Hotel in Melville, NY

Check out this free conference,
Livestreamed at www.therealtruthabouthealthconference.com

Theodora Scorato, executive director of the Environmental Health Trust, and I will speak at 7pm Sunday, the 27th on “The Unbiased Truth About Cell Phone Radiation and 5G Wireless.” We’ll present the most effective ways that households, workplaces and schools can reduce their EMR exposure.

Monday, January 28th at 4pm, I will give a lecture, “How on Earth Do We Shrink the Internet’s Footprint?” This talk will introduce a lot of the material in my next book, Our Web of Inconvenient Truths: The Internet, Energy Use, Toxic Waste and Climate Change.

Wednesday, January 30th, at 7pm, I’ll participate in “Climate Change and Renewable Energy: What are the Very Best Actions to Take to Save Ourselves?” James Hansen, the noted climatologist, will also present on this panel. (I’ll explain how sending an email relates to extreme climate and weather-related events.)

Our Web of Inconvenient Truths:
The Internet, Energy Use, Toxic Waste and Climate Change

Here’s a brochure about the book.

Seven UN agencies have just released A New Circurcular Vision for Electronics: Time for a Global Reboot. The report explains that we now have more Internet-connected devices than people. Globally, we’re now accumulating over 50 million tons of e-waste annually; and without regulation, this number could nearly triple by 2050. The report’s authors recommend “rewarding” collection systems for unusable electronics; consumer awareness; and for consumers to purchase service from producers to retain ownership of devices. Indeed, there’s plenty of opportunity in this waste (one ton of e-waste has 100 times more gold than one ton of gold ore). While this UN report focuses on devices’ end-of-usable-life-waste, it neglects the waste, energy and water embodied in every device during manufacturing. Embodied waste makes up the vast majority of e-waste generated. Our Web of Inconvenient Truths reports extensively on embodied waste. Also, let me recommend Dr. Josh Lepawsky’s 2017 book, Reassembling Rubbish: Worlding Electronic Waste, (MIT Press).

A flyer for people concerned
about 21rst century telecommunications–and 5G

Developed by www.whatis5G.info‘s Kate Kheel and me, this flyer can be used to inform your Congressional Representative about newly introduced House Resolutions. One would prohibit telecom corporations from being liable for injury caused by radiofrequency radiation. The other would prevent the FCC’s acceleration of wired broadband deployment (which removes local authority over telecom facilities) from having any force or effect.

Please invest! Books, newsletters and flyers depend on readers’ investments.

$500 designs and prints 200 brochures.
$400 designs and posts flyers announcing HR 530.
$1500 launches ourwebofinconvenienttruths.com
$3500 hires a radio publicist.
$5000 develops a curriculum for high schools and colleges:

An Internet Within Our Means

$2000 buys 100 copies of Our Web of Inconvenient Truths—and postage to send these books to reviewers and bloggers.

Would you invest in these projects? If you’d like a tax deduction for your investment, please contact Katie Singer by replying to this newsletter.

To healthier ecosystems and sustainable communities,
Katie Singer


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