Our Web of Inconvenient Truths/April newsletter

Mining the Sacred  
Here’s my new piece, co-authored with Dr. Aaron French, “Mining the Sacred: questions for a sustainable relationship with the Earth.”

The Price of Green Energy, a documentary by Jean-Louis Perez and Guillaume Pitron  
This film focuses on the impacts of mining and processing the ores required to manufacture “green” tech—including solar panels, industrial wind turbines, e-vehicles and smartphones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHLhu_zmkpM

Diana Graber, author of Raising Humans in a Digital World: Helping Kids Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology. Graber’s program helps middle schoolers notice and limit their social media use. Her curriculum doesn’t address the ecological impacts of manufacturing devices or telecom infrastructure. It doesn’t address EMR emissions or their impacts. Still, she asks great questions that help users notice tech’s impacts on their lives. https://www.cybercivics.com/

Reports about technology’s impacts on nature by Katie Singer and Miguel Coma are available at www.OurWeb.tech/letters/. We are nearing completion of turning our reports into a book. It will include dozens of photographs to make the Internet’s footprint visible. Whenever we can, we’ll use public domain images. But some are only available for a fee. Can you help us pay for rights to publisher these images (of silicon smelters, cell tower fires, EV fires, etc.)? We can accept donations via PayPal.

If you’d like to contribute through a 501c3, please write to Katie Singer directly by replying to katie-at-katiesinger-dot-com. 

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